01.12.2016 Venue: Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hue University Hospital Times: 8:00 - 13:00 Organization: Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cooperation with
Lectures: Atrial Fibrillation - Update 2016: New Guidelines, Ablative Treatment, Drugs, Studies Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Ventricular Tachycardia - Update 2016: Guidelines, Ablative Treatment, Drugs, Studies Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Antitcoagulation and Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and Acute Coronary Syndrome – Update 2016 Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, Clinical Research Centre, DRK Kliniken I Koepenick, Germany Transradial vs. transfemoral access in patients with ACS: Bleeding complications and Outcome Dr. Ralph Schoeller (on behalf of Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry), Clinic for Cardiology of DRK Kliniken Berlin I Westend, Germany Cardiac Rehabilitation – Update 2016 Günter Haug, M.D., FESC , Rehabilitation Center, German Pension Insurance Federation, Bayerisch Gmain, Germany Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - Update 2016 Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany FACULTY: Günter Haug, M.D., FESC , Rehabilitation Center, German Pension Insurance Federation, Bayerisch Gmain, Germany Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany Dr. Ralph Schoeller, Clinic for Cardiology of DRK Kliniken Berlin I Westend, Germany Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, Clinical Research Centre, DRK Kliniken I Koepenick, Germany
29.11.2016 Venue: General Hospital Khanh Hoa Times: 14:00 -17:00 Organization: General Hospital Khanh Hoa in Cooperation with
Lectures: Atrial Fibrillation - Update 2016: New Guidelines, Ablative Treatment, Drugs, Studies Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Ventricular Tachycardia - Update 2016: Guidelines, Ablative Treatment, Drugs, Studies Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Antitcoagulation and Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and Acute Coronary Syndrome – Update 2016 Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, Clinical Research Centre, DRK Kliniken I Koepenick, Germany Transradial vs. transfemoral access in patients with ACS: Bleeding complications and Outcome Dr. Ralph Schoeller (on behalf of Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry), Clinic for Cardiology of DRK Kliniken Berlin I Westend, Germany Cardiac Rehabilitation – Update 2016 Günter Haug, M.D., FESC , Rehabilitation Center, German Pension Insurance Federation, Bayerisch Gmain, Germany Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - Update 2016 Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany FACULTY: Dr. Günter Haug, FESC , Rehabilitation Center, German Pension Insurance Federation, Bayerisch Gmain, Germany Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany Dr. Ralph Schoeller, Clinic for Cardiology of DRK Kliniken Berlin I Westend, Germany Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, Clinical Research Centre, DRK Kliniken I Koepenick, Germany 16. VIETNAMESE GERMAN HEART DAYS 2016
SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM HCMC 27.11.2016 Organization: Vietnamese Heart Association of Ho Chi Minh City in Cooperation with
Lectures: Atrial Fibrillation - Update 2016: New Guidelines, Ablative Treatment, Drugs, Studies Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Summary:
Ventricular Tachycardia - Update 2016: Guidelines, Ablative Treatment, Drugs, Studies Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Summary:
Antitcoagulation and Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and Acute Coronary Syndrome – Update 2016 Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, Clinical Research Centre, DRK Kliniken I Koepenick, Germany Background: Guidelines for treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) and coronary revascularisation recommend individual treatment regimen for patients with AF and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) according to their risk of bleeding or suffering from thrombo-embolic complications. The aim of the present study is to illustrate how guidelines are implemented into daily practice and whether treatment approaches have changed over time since the introduction of new oral anticoagulants (NOACs). Methods and Results: From January 2011 to December 2014 we included 1537 AF patients with ACS into a registry (Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry) collecting data on hospital treatment, hospital mortality, and discharge medication. 790 out of these patients received DES (51.4%), 277 BMS (18%), 125 only balloon dilatation (8.1%) and 345 no intervention (22.4%), respectively. 95 % of patients had a CHA2DS2-VASc Score >1, the hospital mortality amounted to 9.8%. Table 1: Anticoagulation for AF patients with ACS discharged from hospital with CHA2DS2-VASc Score >1 Table 2: Discharge medication for patients treated with stents dismissed from hospital with CHA2DS2-VASc Score >1 Conclusion: In Tab 1 and 2 the percentage of patients treated with anticoagulation is seen over a time period of 4 years. While the percentage of patients treated with heparin and Vitamin-K antagonists has remained the same, those patients treated with NOACs have increased. Nearly 60% of AF patients with ACS received a triple therapy. The findings will be discussed in light of published data in the literature. Newer and specifically designed trials are awaited for further improvement of the existing knowledge about efficacy and safety of this combination therapy. Transradial vs. transfemoral access in patients with ACS: Bleeding complications and Outcome Dr. Ralph Schoeller (on behalf of Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry), Clinic for Cardiology of DRK Kliniken Berlin I Westend, Germany Background: The use of transradial access for PCI is growing and the newly published guidelines on treatment of ACS take account of this, provided the necessary experience exists. We studied ways of access in treatment of ACS patients under real world conditions in a big city. Methods: Our Registry collects data on hospital treatment of patients with ACS since 1999. Since 1.4.2011 data on different ways of PCI access are collected. In our study we included all 10,146 patients treated with PCI from 20 hospitals between 1.4.11-31.12.14. We studied bleeding complications according to GUSTO criteria (mild, moderate, severe) and we analysed the influence of transfemoral vs. transradial access on hospital mortality. Results: 4165 patients were treated with transradial (41,1%), 5981 with transfemoral (58,9%) PCI access. Transfemoral vs. transradial access influences hospital mortality (OR=1.53; 95% CI: 1.18–1.98) and also influences chances of moderate to severe bleeding (OR=1.69; 95% CI: 1.17–2.45) even after adjustment for differences in patient characteristics and in antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy. Table: Differences between patients with transradial vs. transfemoral access Conclusion:
Cardiac Rehabilitation – Update 2016 Günter Haug, M.D., FESC , Rehabilitation Center, German Pension Insurance Federation, Bayerisch Gmain, Germany The aim of this lecture is to give an update 2016 of cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) according to international guidelines (AHA, AAVPR, EAPR of ESC) focussed on strategies how to organize modern cardiac rehab. Class I indications for post-surgical and post-interventional referral and logistic feasibilities to transfer these eligible patients to in-patient resident or out-patient cardiac rehab units will be presented. Evidence based benefits and safety as well as concerns and risks of early and continued cardiac rehab are described. Based on our experience out of a 230-bed cardiac rehabilitation center overlooking more than 3000 in-patient rehab cases a year we discuss requirements for structures, core competencies of staff and core components of cardiac rehab in the different phases of recovery. Guideline based programs covering the 5 core components of cardiac rehab, in particular supervised exercise training, patient education on specific heart condition of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) as well as strategies to improve risk factors and to stop smoking, to achieve medication adherence and emotional recovery will be presented. We therefore demonstrate in particular rehab specific medical admission, rehabilitation care, risk stratification, prescription of supervised exercise training, courses to improve risk factors considering country specific needs as well as to achieve medication adherence. The objectives of early and continued cardiac rehab are to overcome postoperative and post-interventional physical and functional handicaps, to avoid early complications, further cardiac events and progression of CVD, to cope with psychosocial problems, and to reintegrate in job and family. In summery core components of modern cardiac rehabilitation will be presented based on our specific experience and according to latest study results and current guidelines. Roadmaps how to organize cardiac rehab in order to improve early and long-term outcome and last but not least in order to discharge acute hospital wards, to raise the number of operations and interventions, and therefore to increase the number of treatable patients esp. in low-resource settings will be discussed. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - Update 2016 Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany The non-invasive ventilation (NIV) has been established for about 20 years as a successful treatment method for acute respiratory insufficiency (ARI), as home ventilation it has been used in the last 10 years by hypercapnic COPD patients increasingly. A persistent hypercapnia for medically treated patients with COPD is a manifest sign of the failure of the respiratory pump and thus indicates a poor prognosis of the disease. It is also regarded as a criterion for initiating nocturnal home ventilation with a non-invasive, pressure-controlled ventilation (NPPV). This measure is primarily to improve the quality of life. In a recently published study by Köhnlein et al a relevant life extension by NPPV has now been documented in patients with a chronic failure of the respiratory pump in COPD for the first time. The pathophysiology of COPD, indications and contraindications for NIV in ARI and nocturnal home ventilation, techniques and practical application of non-invasive ventilation are presented. FACULTY: Dr. Günter Haug, FESC , Rehabilitation Center, German Pension Insurance Federation, Bayerisch Gmain, Germany Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany Dr. Ralph Schoeller, Clinic for Cardiology of DRK Kliniken Berlin I Westend, Germany Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, Clinical Research Centre, DRK Kliniken I Koepenick, Germany 20. DVFK-JAHRESTAGUNG IN BRAUNSCHWEIG
Datum: 03.09.2016 Ort: Ärztehaus, An der Petrikirche 1, 38100 Braunschweig AKTUELLE KARDIOLOGIE & INTERESSANTE KASUISTIKEN PROGRAMM: 8.45 Eröffnung: S.H. Nguyen, Präsident DVFK / Helmstedt 8.50 Begrüßung: M. C. Renneberg, Vizepräsidentin der Ärztekammer Niedersachsen (ÄKN) und Vorsitzende der ÄKN Bezirksstelle Braunschweig 8.55 Einleitung: R. Engberding, Präsident VGAC/Wolfsburg I. Sitzung: Koronare Herzkrankheit Vorsitz: R. Engberding (Wolfsburg), W. Harringer (Braunschweig) 09:00 Stellenwert der Echokardiographie bei der KHK I.Kruck (Ludwigsburg) 09:20 Stellenwert des Kardialen MRT bei der KHK C. Graf (Berlin) 09:40 Intrakoronare Bildgebung und intrakoronare Messungen zur Verbesserung der Koronarintervention V. Klauss (München) 10:00 Arteriosklerose und Vorhofflimmern: duale Plättchenhemmung und Triple Therapie 2016 H.-F. Vöhringer (Berlin) 10:20 Chirurgische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der KHK 2016 W. Harringer (Braunschweig) II.Sitzung: Kooperation mit Vietnam Vorsitz: V. Klauss (München) / W. Fehske (Köln) 10:40 Entwicklung der Kardiologie in Vietnam D.D. Loi (Ha Noi) 11:00 Intervention bei angeborenen Herzfehlern in Vietnam P.M. Hung (Ha Noi) 11: 20 Pause III.Sitzung: Interessante Themen und Kasuistiken Vorsitz: B. Gerecke (Peine) / W-K. Diederich (Helmstedt) 11.50 Vorgehen beim asymptomatischen WPW-Syndrom J. Tebbenjohanns (Hildesheim) 12:10 Der "elektrische Sturm" : bestmögliche Behandlungskonzepte N.D. Quang (Köln) 12:30 Bewährte und neue medikamentöse Behandlung der Herzinsuffizienz B. Gerecke (Peine) 13:00 Schlusswort B. Gerecke (Peine) Im Anschluss weitere Diskussionen bei einem Imbiss REFERENTEN UND GÄSTE:
SPONSOREN DER TAGUNG: Bayer Vital GmbH (1000 €), Biotronik Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG (500€), Daiichi-Sankyo Deutschland GmbH (1000 €), Medtronic GmbH (500 €), MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH (500€), Novartis Pharma GmbH (750 €), SERVIER Deutschland GmbH (500 €) Cardiovascular Conference Central expand Eighth
4 - 5 December 2015 Hotel Saigon-Dalat, Dalat City, Lam Dong Province Organization: Vietnam National Heart Association Heart Association Thua Thien Hue Heart Association Khanh Hoa In cooperation with Deutsch-Vietnamesischer Förderkreis für Kardiologie e.V. (DVFK)/German Vietnamese Association of Cardiology and Vietnamese German Academy for Science and Education in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (VGAC), Lectures: Endovascular closure of the left atrial appendage - Why and How Dr. Christian Glatthor, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Intracoronary imaging and physiology for improvement of coronary interventions Prof. Dr. Volker Klauss, Cardiology Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany Modern antithrombotic treatment strategies in coronary heart disease and stroke prevention Prof. Dr. Florian Krötz, Clinic Starnberg, Department of Cardiology, 82319 Starnberg, Germany Electrical storm: treatment strategies Dr. Lutz Lichtenberg, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany LAA-occlusion: Indication, devices und techniques of implantation Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Atrial fibrillation: differential use of ablation techniques Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany Intracoronary assessment – OCT or IVUS? Dr. Klaus Schlotterbeck, FESC, MBA, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany New Drugs in CVD Therapy - Update 2015 Dr. Alexander Trompler, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry (BMIR) - managing the Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) at the city of Berlin Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, DRK Clinics Berlin, Germany Aortic stenosis: Noninvasive assessment - interventional therapy PD Dr. Werner Zwehl, 80638 München, Germany FACULTY: Dr. Christian Glatthor, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Prof. Dr. Volker Klauss, Cardiology Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany Prof. Dr. Florian Krötz, Clinic Starnberg, Department of Cardiology, 82319 Starnberg, Germany Dr. Lutz Lichtenberg, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany Dr. Klaus Schlotterbeck, FESC, MBA, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Dr. Alexander Trompler, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, DRK Clinics Berlin, Germany PD Dr. Werner Zwehl, 80638 München, Germany VIETNAMESE GERMAN SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM
NHA TRANG 01.12.2015 VENUE: KHANH HOA HOSPITAL TIME: 14:00 – 17:00 Organization: Vietnamese Heart Association of Khanh Hoa General Hospital KHANH HOA Nha Trang In Cooperation with
Lectures: Endovascular closure of the left atrial appendage - Why and How Dr. Christian Glatthor, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Intracoronary imaging and physiology for improvement of coronary interventions Prof. Dr. Volker Klauss, Cardiology Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany Modern antithrombotic treatment strategies in coronary heart disease and stroke prevention Prof. Dr. Florian Krötz, Clinic Starnberg, Department of Cardiology, 82319 Starnberg, Germany Electrical storm: treatment strategies Dr. Lutz Lichtenberg, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Atrial fibrillation: differential use of ablation techniques Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany Intracoronary assessment – OCT or IVUS? Dr. Klaus Schlotterbeck, FESC, MBA, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany New Drugs in CVD Therapy - Update 2015 Dr. Alexander Trompler, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry (BMIR) - managing the Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) at the city of Berlin Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, DRK Clinics Berlin, Germany Aortic stenosis: Noninvasive assessment - interventional therapy PD Dr Werner Zwehl, 80638 München, Germany FACULTY: Dr. Christian Glatthor, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Prof. Dr. Volker Klauss, Cardiology Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany Prof. Dr. Florian Krötz, Clinic Starnberg, Department of Cardiology, 82319 Starnberg, Germany Dr. Lutz Lichtenberg, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany Dr. Klaus Schlotterbeck, FESC, MBA, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Dr. Alexander Trompler, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, DRK Clinics Berlin, Germany PD Dr Werner Zwehl, 80638 München, Germany .15. VIETNAMESE GERMAN HEART DAYS
Ho Chi Minh City 29.11.2015 Organization: Vietnamese Heart Association of Ho Chi Minh City in Cooperation with
Vietnamese German Scientific Symposium Lectures: Endovascular closure of the left atrial appendage - Why and How Dr. Christian Glatthor, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Since more than a decade there is growing experience in interventions for prophylaxis of cardiogenic thromboembolic events. Based on randomized date, notably PROTECT-AF and PREVAIL, the technical development of mainly two devices for transvenous transseptal left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO) has reached a satisfactory state which is supplemtentary documented in a lot of registry data. Patients with non valvular atrial fibrillation who are not suitable for medical anticoagulation nowadays should be treated with one of the available LAA-closure devices. After some related initial hostile event experiences, the implantation procedure has developed and can be looked upon as safe and effective. The special design of an elaborate and thorough training phase together with a an acceptable learning curve makes that particular procedure become more and more indispensable part of daily practice. Intracoronary imaging and physiology for improvement of coronary interventions Prof. Dr. Volker Klauss, Cardiology Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany The decision for interventional treatment of a coronary lesion should be based on symptoms and prove of ischemia. However, in clinical practice, stenoses are often treated depending on the angiographic image, because symptoms are not clear and tests for ischemia have not been performed or the tests are inconclusive. By means of intracoronary pressure measurements (i.e. determination of fractional flow reserve – FFR, or instantaneous wave-free ratio - iFR) the hemodynamic relevance of a coronary stenoses can be determined during coronary angiography especially in intermediate lesions and thus the decision to treat or not to treat is based on an objective test of ischemia. Regarding coronary morphology, angiography is the standard for imaging of the coronary tree. However, this technique has limitations. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) allows a cross-sectional view of the coronary arteries. IVUS may help to diagnose and assess stent underexpansion and malapposition, and to guide interventions in complex cases. A new modality based on infrared light is the optical coherence tomography (OCT) with a resolution better than IVUS. It is now used for evaluation of new stent technologies i.e. bioabsorbable scaffolds. Modern antithrombotic treatment strategies in coronary heart disease and stroke prevention Prof. Dr. Florian Krötz, Clinic Starnberg, Department of Cardiology, 82319 Starnberg, Germany New oral anticoagulants and modern potent antiplatelet drugs offer a wide variety of therapeutic antithrombotic treatment strategies for acute coronary syndromes, coronary interventions and patients with atrial fibrillation. However, use of these drugs – especially when they are being combined - may not only bring about advantages but also impose increased bleeding risks, depending of patient comorbidities. In addition, depending on coronary intervention and clinical setting, the duration of antithrombotic treatment is a continuous topic of debate. Patricularly the need for a so called “triple therapy”, traditionally referred to as a combination of ASA, clopidogrel and warfarin, increases bleeding risk and may in many cases not be performed using the newer antiplatelet agents. Although data on triple therapy are scarce, in 2014, the European society of cardiology for the first time has published recommendations on which drugs may be combined in patients with recent stent implantation and atrial fibrillation. The presentation will discuss current European recommendations on use of antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs with respect to indication, cardiovascular outcomes and bleeding risk and introduce the current evidence on these drugs. Electrical storm: treatment strategies Dr. Lutz Lichtenberg, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany Electrical storm is an increasingly common and life-threatening syndrome that is defined by 3 or more sustained episodes of ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or appropriate shocks from an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator within 24 hours. The clinical presentation can be dramatic. Electrical storm can manifest itself during acute myocardial infarction and in patients who have structural heart disease, an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, or an inherited arrhythmic syndrome. The presence or absence of structural heart disease and the electrocardiographic morphology of the presenting arrhythmia can provide important diagnostic clues into the mechanism of electrical storm. Electrical storm typically has a poor outcome. The effective management of electrical storm requires an understanding of arrhythmia mechanisms, therapeutic options, device programming, and indications for radiofrequency catheter ablation. Initial management involves determining and correcting the underlying ischemia, electrolyte imbalances, or other causative factors. Amiodarone and β-blockers, especially propranolol, effectively resolve arrhythmias in most patients. Nonpharmacologic treatment, including radiofrequency ablation, can control electrical storm in drug-refractory patients. Patients who have implantable cardioverter-defibrillators can present with multiple shocks and may require drug therapy and device reprogramming. After the acute phase of electrical storm, the treatment focus should shift toward maximizing heart-failure therapy, performing revascularization, and preventing subsequent ventricular arrhythmias. Atrial fibrillation: differential use of ablation techniques Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Cologne, Germany The impact of atrial fibrillation on the healthcare systems is overwhelming, due to its independent association with death, systemic thromboembolism, impaired quality of life and hospitalizations. Catheter ablation is the only treatment thus far demonstrated capable of achieving cure in a substantial proportion of patients. Pulmonary vein antrum isolation (PVAI) is the cornerstone of current atrial fibrillation ablation techniques, with the greatest efficacy as a stand-alone procedure in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Use of general anesthesia, open-irrigated ablation catheters, “single shot devices” (Cryo balloon, Laser balloon, PVAC) and maintenance of periprocedural therapeutic warfarin has been demonstrated to increase the safety and effectiveness of PVAI. A more extensive ablation approach extending to the entire left atrial posterior wall and to complex fractionated electrograms (CFAEs) is warranted in nonparoxysmal atrial fibrillation patients, in whom nonpulmonary vein trigger sites are frequently identified. Up to one-third of these patients experiencing atrial fibrillation recurrence after ablation have evidence of triggers from extra pulmonary locations (SVC, CS, left atrial appendage). Isolation of this structure can improve the long-term success rate. In recent years, in addition to the development of ablation techniques to increase the success rate, outcomes of atrial fibrillation treatment trials have been reconsidered. This presentation will summarize the state-of-the art techniques for atrial fibrillation ablation, and will discuss the contribution of ongoing studies to the future of atrial fibrillation ablation. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany The non-invasive ventilation (NIV) has been established for about 20 years as a successful treatment method for acute respiratory insufficiency (ARI), as home ventilation it has been used in the last 10 years by hypercapnic COPD patients increasingly. NIV reduced hypercapnic ARF, the rate of tube-associated pneumonia, duration of hospital stay and in-hospital mortality. If possible, it should be applied preferably for ARI to avoid complications of mechanical ventilation. NIV has also proved to be a very useful therapeutic measure during cardiac pulmonary edema and for weaning from invasive long-term ventilation. A persistent hypercapnia for medically treated patients with COPD is a manifest sign of the failure of the respiratory pump and thus indicates a poor prognosis of the disease. It is also regarded as a criterion for initiating nocturnal home ventilation with a non-invasive, pressure-controlled ventilation (NPPV). This measure is primarily to improve the quality of life. In a recently published study by Köhnlein et al a relevant life extension by NPPV has now been documented in patients with a chronic failure of the respiratory pump in COPD for the first time. The pathophysiology of COPD, indications and contraindications for NIV in ARI and nocturnal home ventilation, techniques and practical application of non-invasive ventilation are presented. Intracoronary assessment – OCT or IVUS? Dr. Klaus Schlotterbeck, FESC, MBA, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany The gold standard for diagnostic imaging of the coronary arteries is still the angiography. Many limitations of this technique are known, so advancements in technology has been developed. Intravascular ultrasound was the first intravascular imaging technique developed to overcome the limitations of angiography. The use of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) has enabled a transmural in-vivo imaging of the coronary arteries while creating cross-sectional images of the vessel wall. The role of IVUS is to assess stent underexpansion and malapposition, to identify coronary plaques with potential rupture, to plan intervention in complex cases, identify significant left main stem stenosis. The spectral analysis, derived from radiofrequency (RF) data enables more precise analysis of the plaque composition and plaque type. In the PROSPECT study, tissue characterization of plaques had a predominant role and a positive association was found between specific tissue types and clinical events. A newer modality based on infrared light is the optical coherence tomography (OCT). With a resolution of 10-20 µm, which is better than IVUS, this method provides intraluminal and extraluminal imaging of the vessels. OCT gives in vivo imaging of coronary stents with the ODESSA and LEADERS trials pioneering OCT in multicenter, randomized clinical settings. Based on OCT it is able to distinguish between different tissue types, such as fibrous, lipid rich, necrotic or calcified tissue. OCT helps to assess patients with acute coronary syndrome with insights into plaque nature, rupture and progression. It also has been established as a gold standard for stent evaluation. However it is currently not capable of providing the operator with functional information to assess e.g. the haemodynamic relevance of stenosis. A number of research have successfully combined OCT with an ultrasonic transducer allowing the combination of high-resolution of OCT in the near field with the penetration depth if IVUS to visualise the complete plaque as well as to assess plaque burden. Conclusion: IVUS and OCT have an important but different role in intravascular imaging. Promising concepts for quantitative tissue characterization and combination of both techniques might further improve the diagnostic capabilities in the future. New Drugs in CVD Therapy - Update 2015 Dr. Alexander Trompler, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany An update on 2014/2015 Evolution of CVD Drug Therapy will be given. Among others to be covered: Angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor Oral Anticoagulants including reversal agents Lipid Lowering Drugs including PCSK9 inhibitors Duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after MI Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry (BMIR) - managing the Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) at the city of Berlin Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, DRK Clinics Berlin, Germany The BMIR is an ongoing joint registry of hospitals within the metropolitan area of Berlin, prospectively collecting data on treatment and outcome of patients with myocardial infarction since 1999. Judging hospitals according to their quality of care is one approach to improve hospital performance. It is the aim of the presented data showing the feasibility of comparing the quality of care between departments of cardiology in different hospitals addressing the problems of random variation and differences in patients’ mix. The analysis is a cross-sectional interhospital comparison of more than 36 000 ACS patients (end of 2014) within different time intervals. The patients were admitted into 22 different hospitals of Berlin with PCI facilities in order of regular monitoring. Data were collected on demography, concomitant diseases, treatment strategies, and outcome measures. In the cross-sectional as well as in the longitudinal comparison there were large interhospital differences in crude hospital mortality rates. After Bayesian shrinkage and adjustment for the differences in patient mix, the range in hospital mortality was reduced in the cross-sectional as well as in the longitudinal comparison with no significant differences between hospitals. Adjusted mortality rates were 8.9 % in 2007/08, 8.7 % in 2009/10, and 8.5 % in 2011/12, respectively (p = 0.609). The analysis demonstrates that the naïve comparison of hospitals by crude means may be unfair and misleading. A statistical analysis that makes population differences and random effects into account may result in different conclusions and may show stable results for average-size German city hospitals, if data are pooled over 3 years. Aortic stenosis: Noninvasive assessment - interventional therapy PD Dr Werner Zwehl, 80638 München, Germany FACULTY: Dr. Christian Glatthor, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Prof. Dr. Volker Klauss, Cardiology Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany Prof. Dr. Florian Krötz, Clinic Starnberg, Department of Cardiology, 82319 Starnberg, Germany Dr. Lutz Lichtenberg, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany Dr. Klaus Schlotterbeck, FESC, MBA, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Dr. Alexander Trompler, Cardiovascular Center Ravensburg, Germany Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, DRK Clinics Berlin, Germany PD Dr. Werner Zwehl, 80638 München, Germany Prof. Dr. Rolf Engberding 19. DVFK-JAHRESTAGUNG IN BRAUNSCHWEIG Datum: 05.09.2015 Ort: Ärztehaus, An der Petrikirche 1, 38100 Braunschweig AKTUELLE KARDIOLOGIE & INTERESSANTE KASUISTIKEN PROGRAMM: 8.45 Eröffnung: S.H. Nguyen, Präsident DVFK / Helmstedt 8.50 Begrüßung: M. Renneberg, Vorsitzende der Ärztekammer Niedersachsen Bezirksstelle Braunschweig 8.55 Einleitung: R. Engberding, Präsident VGAC/Wolfsburg I. Sitzung: Vorhofflimmern: Update 2015 Vorsitz: R. Engberding (Wolfsburg), V. Klauss (München) 09:00 Medikamentöse Therapie des Vorhofflimmerns B. Gerecke (Peine) 09:20 Ablationstherapie bei Vorhofflimmern R. Becker (Wolfsburg) 09:40 Der LAA-Verschluss J. Tebbenjohanns (Hildesheim) 10:10 Herzchirurgische Behandlung des Vorhofflimmerns W. Harringer (Braunschweig) 10:20 Antikoagulation bei Vorhofflimmern H. Vöhringer (Berlin) 10:40 Pause II. Sitzung: Der Myokardinfarkt aus anderen Blickwinkeln & Interessante Kasuistiken Vorsitz: G.D. Kneissl (Mainz), K-W. Diederich (Helmstedt) 11:00 Echokardiographie beim akuten Koronarsyndrom B. Du Quoc (Köln) 11:20 Myokardinfarkt: was sollen wir tun? C. Fleischmann (Wolfsburg) 11:40 Myokardinfarkt mit normalen Koronararterien B. Schneider (Lübeck) 12:00 Myokardinfarkt bei Kindern S. Kotthoff (Münster) 12:20 Interessante Kasuistik D.Q. Nguyen (Köln) 12:40 Schlusswort B. Gerecke im Anschluss gemeinsamer Imbiss und weitere Diskussion REFERENTEN UND GÄSTE:
Grußwort von Frau M. Renneberg, Vorsitzende der Ärztekammer Bezirksstelle Braunschweig Prof. Dr. R. Becker (Wolfsburg) Prof. Dr. J. Tebbenjohanns (Hildesheim) PD. Dr. W. Harringer (Braunschweig) Prof. Dr. H.-F- Vöhringer (Berlin) Dr. Birke Schneider (Lübeck) Dr. Bao Du Quoc (Köln) Dr. Stefan Kotthoff (Münster) Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen (Köln) Mittagspause und Diskussionen EINLADUNG ZUR ERÖFFNUNGSFEIER DER 19. DVFK-JAHRESTAGUNG am 04. September 2015 Uhrzeit: 18:30 Uhr Ort: Restaurant Goldener Drache Hintern Brüdern 27-30, 38100 Braunschweig Tel. 0531 15630 PROGRAMM: 18:45 Uhr: Eröffnung Prof. Dr. Rolf Engberding / Wolfsburg Präsident der VGAC 19:00 Uhr: Unser Arbeitsbesuch an der Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine (VGFM) in Ho Chi Minh City Jan Philipp Schneider, Institut für Funktionelle und Angewandte Anatomie, MHH 19:45 Uhr Schlusswort Dr. Birgit Gerecke/Peine 20:00- 22:30 Uhr Persönliche Gespräche, Erfahrungsaustausch, Beisammensein… beim gemeinsamen vietnamesischen Abendessen von li. nach re. Frau A. Schlotterbeck (Braunschweig), Prof. R. Engberding (Wolfsburg), Frau T.M.H. Nguyen (Helmstedt), Dr. J. Schneider (Hannover) Prof. DV Phuoc (HCMC), Prof. H.-F. Vöhringer (Berlin) VIETNAMESE GERMAN CONGRESS HOI NGHI DUC VIET NEW CHALLENGES IN CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNIQUES THÁCH THỨC MỚI VỀ KỸ THUẬT TIM MẠCH Venue/Địa điểm: Rex Hotel 141 Nguyen Hue St., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam Time/Thời gian: Sunday, 30th November 2014 8:30 – 15:15 Chairpersons: Prof. Dr. Dang Van Phuoc Prof. Dr. Volker Klauss PD Dr. Wolfgang Fehske Prof. Dr. Pham Nguyen Vinh Prof. Dr. Georg Dieter Kneissl Prof. Dr. Truong Quang Binh Organization:
in cooperation with:
Program/Chương trình: 08:30-08:40 GREETING CHÀO MỪNG HỘI NGHỊ Prof. Dr. Dang Van Phuoc Prof. Dr. Nguyen Si Huyen Prof. Dr. Pham Nguyen Vinh Session I: Clinical Cardiology Chairpersons: Prof. Volker Klauss/Prof. Dang Van Phuoc 08:40-09:00 Sport and arrhythmia Thể thao và Rối loạn nhịp Dr. Birgit Gerecke, MVZ Ambulatory Cardiac Centre Peine, Germany 09:00-09:20 Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: newest developments Đốt điện sinh lý trong rung nhĩ: Những tiến bộ mới Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany 09:20-09:40 Updated new guidelines in the treatment of hypertension Cập nhật khuyến cáo mới trong điều trị Tăng huyết áp Prof. Dang Van Phuoc, The president of Ho Chi Minh Cardiovascular Association, Viet Nam 09:40-10:00 Catheter ablation of ventricular tachyarrhythmias: epicardiac approach: when? how? Đốt điện sinh lý trong nhanh thất: Tiếp cận từ màng ngoài tim: Khi nào? Như thế nào? Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany 10:00-10:20 3-D-Echocardiography Siêu âm tim 3-D PD Dr. Wolfgang Fehske, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany TEA BREAK Session II: Clinical Cardiology & Echocardiography & Cardiac surgery Chairpersons: Prof. Dr. Georg-D. Kneissl/Prof. Pham Nguyen Vinh 10:35-10:55 Fixed dose combination therapy in the treatment of hypertension Phối hợp thuốc liều cố định trong điều trị Tăng huyết áp Prof. Truong Quang Binh, Vice-director of Ho Chi Minh Medical University, Viet Nam 10:55-11:15 Sleep-related breathing disorders and heart failure Rối loạn nhịp thở khi ngủ và suy tim Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine HCMC, HELIOS St. Marienberg Hospital Helmstedt, Academic Hospital of the University Magdeburg, Germany 11:15-11:35 Clinically important drug interactions in cardiovascular therapy Những tương tác thuốc quan trọng trên lâm sàng trong điều trị bệnh tim mạch Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, DRK Clinics Berlin, Germany 11:35-11:55 Current clinical practice in Europe for management of atrial fibrillation Thực hành lâm sàng trong điều trị rung nhĩ hiện nay tại Châu Âu Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, DRK Clinics Berlin, Germany LUNCH BREAK Session III: Clinical Cardiology & Electrophysiology Chairpersons: PD Dr. Wolfgang Fehske/Prof. Truong Quang Binh 13:00-13:20 The “fibrotic atrial cardiomyopathie (FACM)” : new substrate for atrial fibrillation? Consequences for clinical practice? Bệnh cơ tim xơ hóa tâm nhĩ (FACM)”: Chất nền mới trong rung nhĩ ? Tầm quan trọng trong thực hành lâm sàng ? Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany 13:20-13:40 Stress echocardiography Siêu âm tim gắng sức PD Dr. Wolfgang Fehske, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany 13:40-14:00 Diabetes and DPP4 Đái tháo đường và DPP4 Prof. Pham Nguyen Vinh, Vice-president of Viet Nam Cardiovascular Association, Viet Nam 14:00-14:20 The net clinical benefit of dabigatran in stroke prevention: What have we learned from recent data? Lợi ích lâm sàng của dabigatran trong phòng ngừa đột quỵ: chúng ta học được gì từ các dữ liệu gần đây? Dr. Ho Huynh Quang Tri, HCM Heart Institude, Viet Nam 14:20-14:40 The aortic valve replacement through the skin Thay van động mạch chủ qua da Dr. Nguyen Huynh Khuong, Tam Duc Hospital, Viet Nam 14:40-15:00 Beyond angiography: modalities for assessment of coronary artery lesions Phương thức đánh giá tổn thương ĐM vành ngoài chụp mạch máu cản quang Prof. Dr. Volker Klauss, Cardiology Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany 15:20-15:30 Closing Remarks Faculty: PD Dr. Wolfgang Fehske, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Dr. Birgit Gerecke, MVZ Ambulatory Cardiac Centre Peine, Germany Prof. Dr. Volker Klauss, Cardiology Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany Prof. Dr. Georg-Dieter Kneissl, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at the Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine /HCM City, Johannes Gutenberg Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Germany Prof. Dr. Si Huyen Nguyen, Vietnamese German Faculty of Medicine at the Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine /HCM City, Academic Hospital HELIOS St. Marienberg Helmstedt, Germany Dr. Dinh Quang Nguyen, Medical Clinic III, Department of Cardiology, St. Vinzenz-Hospital, Köln, Germany Prof. Dr. Hans-F. Voehringer, DRK Clinics Berlin, Germany Prof. Dang Van Phuoc, The president of Ho Chi Minh Cardiovascular Association, Viet Nam Prof. Pham Nguyen Vinh, Vice-president of Viet Nam Cardiovascular Association, Viet Nam Prof. Truong Quang Binh, Vice-director of Ho Chi Minh Medical University, Viet Nam Dr. Ho Huynh Quang Tri, HCM Heart Institude, Viet Nam Dr. Nguyen Huynh Khuong, Tam Duc Hospital, Viet Nam |
August 2024